Monday, March 19, 2007

Gathering - BAAF (2nd Gathering)

Gathering, Saturday 17th March??

OKOK.. Plan not to go back to hometown on Saturday, so nothing to do after gym also, why not just join the gathering.. hahaha...

Pei Fen, Choi Yee and me keep in touch by using company email.. (hey..hey.. u girls WATCH OUT ur boss ohh..) so, they gave me 2 option, 1st - sing k & 2nd - eat&drink. (for me, of course, 1st is the BEST CHOICE, but i give up at the end, i choose 2nd.. EAT & DRINK..)

my reason so simple, the gathering is for CHIT CHAT, and concerning about what's going on in our life.. (not a good reason, but is so-called 8) hahaha..

Finally, we choosed SOCIETTE CAFE,lot 10!!!

Ohh.. regarding to the food, can refer to the website..

Is Local Food, we ordered LOJAK, Local Coffee etc.. so full, luckily we share share..hahaha..

This time, those attend: Pei Fen, Choi Yee, Li Mei, Xiao Yao & Me..


  • Ng Siew Cheng - not of convenient as she pregnant lah.. Congratulation!!
  • Yoke Wei - No reason for Absent!! wanna kick her out liao.. hahaha..joking!!
  • Felix - sorry dint contact him.. :p
  • Jacqueline - on the way (but no know where she from..)

We planned for next gathering (after April), again OPTION:

  1. Visit my hometown, Bentong!!!
  2. Klang
  3. Please recommend!!



1 comment:

yoke wei said...

erm....wana kick me out ah..not so ez lar..not i dowan to go...but i got reason de ler....i went to matta fair mah......:p

My trip this time is to beijing......balik ancestor kampung..hahaahha....btw...jane...u sure another gathering in april...i htink i cant make it ler...coz my trip is in apr how how...i sure no time to join u all AGAIN......sosososo sorry.....but hopefullly may or when after tat will hav another gathering lar.....c u all sooonn....adiossssss