Monday, March 19, 2007

Gathering - BAAF (2nd Gathering)

Gathering, Saturday 17th March??

OKOK.. Plan not to go back to hometown on Saturday, so nothing to do after gym also, why not just join the gathering.. hahaha...

Pei Fen, Choi Yee and me keep in touch by using company email.. (hey..hey.. u girls WATCH OUT ur boss ohh..) so, they gave me 2 option, 1st - sing k & 2nd - eat&drink. (for me, of course, 1st is the BEST CHOICE, but i give up at the end, i choose 2nd.. EAT & DRINK..)

my reason so simple, the gathering is for CHIT CHAT, and concerning about what's going on in our life.. (not a good reason, but is so-called 8) hahaha..

Finally, we choosed SOCIETTE CAFE,lot 10!!!

Ohh.. regarding to the food, can refer to the website..

Is Local Food, we ordered LOJAK, Local Coffee etc.. so full, luckily we share share..hahaha..

This time, those attend: Pei Fen, Choi Yee, Li Mei, Xiao Yao & Me..


  • Ng Siew Cheng - not of convenient as she pregnant lah.. Congratulation!!
  • Yoke Wei - No reason for Absent!! wanna kick her out liao.. hahaha..joking!!
  • Felix - sorry dint contact him.. :p
  • Jacqueline - on the way (but no know where she from..)

We planned for next gathering (after April), again OPTION:

  1. Visit my hometown, Bentong!!!
  2. Klang
  3. Please recommend!!



Gathering - BAAF - Ng Siew Cheng's Wedding

This is the first time for me to write about the Gathering - BAAF (Course of BA(Hon) in Accountancy & Finance) !!

Last year, we had a gathering.. that's for Ng Siew Cheng's wedding.. that was organized by Pei Fen, the venue was in Low Yat Plaza, "KONG YAM KONG SIK".. we ordered the "PUN CHOY", is kinda Hong Kong style dishes.. Nice.. yammy yammy.. :)
The price only -> RM30++ per person, (but for Min. of 4 portion.. dont know what is that, but can ask PEI FEN lahh..)hahaha... :p
Actually, this special room is located in some place that we really not realized.. a bit like Hong Kong Movie, the kinda "black room" or "hiden room" which let the BAD person Run Away type.. hahaha.. But, this room furnish not bad what.. hahaha..
While waiting for some1, i couldnt stand for the "hungry".. so order some side dishes first.. hahaha... at the same time, we found out a lot of "siu Keong" in this room.. got "small "siu Keong" also Big type.. dont care, just dont come to my food then is ok.. if not, i will just use my slipper to slap "u - Siu Keong".. hahaha..
Hey..Hey.. Dont think Jacqueline & me always LATE1 hohh.. (Yes, i admit during college days, i m always late..) but now hohh.. the Handsome , tall FELIX become the "KING of LATE" !!! (sorry jacqueline, hahaha.. in my mind i think u also late.. hahaha)

Ohh.. This is pretty Ng Siew Cheng & her husband, Jason..
HOpe they like the GIFTs from us, "US" as per in picture (and also yOke wei..absent)
so, wish our pretty Ng Siew Cheng & JAson, Happy Wedding!!!
WE had spent the whole afternoon there... from 1.30pm to 6.00pm+
the waiter kept on asking wanna add some dishes or not..
Really FULL... thanks..
Hope to have another gathering again.. Keep in touch ohh.. :)

**(siu keong - cockroach)